770 596-0886 cell 404 614-3224 office kNagjee@cwa3204.org
March Mobility Membership Report 2025
o Infor-please edit time properly and same day. There are a lot of members editing
their time incorrectly. The company checks badge swipes, computer idle times,
and cameras for timecard edits. Trying to limit time edits to 5 a month and only 4 time stamps a day.
o Please watch your time card edits. Be as accurate as possible.
o Do not access accounts without your customer present. When you scan that
customer’s ID it must be current and not expired. If you are caught violating
these COBC infractions, you could be terminated.
o For my mobility titles who drive company vehicles, please don’t forget your cars have GPS on them. If your manager calls you and ask if you are at a specific job or site location please
tell the truth.
o Overtime: Only working when it’s company approved such as voluntary OT. This includes signing up for the overtime. Agents must work it because your schedule will be updated. If you can’t work it, please let you manager know so that they can remove it.
o Call Center Bidding: 3/25 week. Seniority list have been updated and are on the union board in the building. For the WFH group, if you can text me your email address, I can send you the most recent one I have for you.
o Memorial Holiday bid will open up April
o I hope everyone has used their carry over time. March 31st is the cut off. Remember-its use it or lose it.
February 2025
VSE- Connectivity club will continue. Schedule bidding will continue to be every 3 months.
If you were issued any attendance points or attendance hours during these 2 winter storm events, you should file a grievance. I cannot promise anything but your safety should always come first.
You cannot be coached via text message. All documented conversations should happen verbally first then you should receive a paper copy.
When you are at work, please make sure you are ready to assist customer. In call centers there has been a spike in call avoidance. In retail-it’s known as cherry picking.
Please read all disclaimers and broadband facts to customers.
In retail, you are not supposed to email your manager customer information for business leads. This should be submitted through SalesForce. Also the outbound calls are optional. It is not mandatory.
I am looking for job stewards in VSE and Retail. If you are interested I want to talk to you.
For ihx-
January 2025
If you are calling out or are going to be late to work, please notify your manager. If you call your manager and they do not answer, notify their buddy manager.
-call center will be hiring almost every month this year. These positions will all be hybrid so 2 days at home and 3 days in the building
Wireless Technicians-
The company told us that our wireless technicians will be compensated with on call pay for Sat and Sunday due to being on call during the storm. Please check to ensure you received this pay. If not, reach out to me.
We had an opt in period for IHX to join the union. This was a 2 week campaign. It was successful. Going forward, everyone new hire for IHX will be in the bargaining unit. We will be tracking down each one of the new hires who came on board from 10/1 to now for a union orientation.
Please do not clock in from the parking lot unless your job title specifies that you are allowed to do so.
You must use your rollover time by March 31st. Not scheduled but used. There is not a cash out option. It is use it or lose it.
Please make sure you have your manager’s phone number. In the event you have a life emergency or during a weather emergency, it is very important that you contact your manager. Some people are being disciplined for job abandonment.
Sept 2024 Mobility Report
The union was made aware that some managers were trying to complete QIRs Via email or Teams. This matter has been addressed directly with all levels of company management. The company stated this matter should not come up again. If you are asked to fill out a QIR via email or teams, please let the union know.
During our LGP last week with the call center management team, they informed us that they are looking to hire 200 new agents for next year. As of now, these postions will be hybrid.
If you work in retail and your manager ask you to go to the bank to make change, you have the right to say no. Please do not feel pressured to go.
Please make sure you are clocking in on time from your designated platform-this determined by your specific work center or retail store.
Order team colors within the next week.
Dont forget that only 40 hours of paid leave rolls over for next year. It is use it or lose it.
August 2024 Membership Report
Life happens for VSE and MSS agents is now being limited to 5 times a month instead of unlimited. When I asked why the company felt the need to adjust this program, they informed me that the highest usage of life happens is actually the wfh groups. Life
happens is not bargained-the company has the right to change their policies as they see fit. We only ask that they notify us when changes are to be made.
Call center hours changing effective 9/1. I know some of these changes may be upsetting but unfortunately, we only have control over seniority. You do have the opportunity to fill out a suggestion form for our upcoming LGP in mid Sept. my hope is that for the next bid since it’s now on a 3-month cycle. But we will voice our concerns -and speak to the frustrations of our members especially our more experienced and tenured members.
Retail-The training application we use called Signal is not mandatory. It’s another tool provided to us by the company to keep us informed of the latest and greatest. Again, it is not mandatory. Of course, they want us to show activity in the app and it’s helpful.
Lunch breaks-are built into the schedule for the call centers. Please try to adhere to your schedule. In retail-tour schedules should be printed and posted in the back. Your managers should not be asking you to take a lunch 2 hrs after you have been at work. If this happens frequently at your location, please let me know.
we had a Georgia WRC and. district wrc these past 30 days we had a Georgia WRC and. district wrc. we brought some outstanding concerns to the company. some issues were
attendance-, better communication to our members when schedule edits occur. i noticed a trend that some managers are just editing the schedule and not informing reps of the changes.
The union also asking the company to provide more safety measures such as active shooter drills or better ways to handle hostile work environments.
I know yield time is a heavy topic too. The union has asked, pressured, and demanded the formula, calculations, round up reasonings, and contributing factors. This has gone all the way up to the district. I want to let you know we have not given up on this hot topic. we are demanding an answer.
the company is going to start making wellness calls when you are not calling out using the mywork life app. please make sure your emergency contact is an updated number that you are comfortable with them calling.
July 2024 Membership Report
Good evening,
Retail-Managers are not your friends. I know we say this a lot, but when it comes to these investigations, please tell the honest truth. If your manager taught you a bad habit, sing like a bird.
Call Center-now that we are on a 3-month bid, we will be updating the seniority list more frequently on the boards.
WFH-I am waiting for an updated seniority list for your department. I haven’t heard too many updates from this dept. There has been an increase in representation needs specifically for failure to disclose. This goes for all call centers actually. It is your responsibility to read these disclosures.
VSE-There have been some more complaints received that the calls coming in are not fiber calls. If you notice that your calls are not fiber calls, please let me know. I brought this to the attention of your upper leadership. They informed me that we are not completing fiber checks. Let’s go ahead and knock this step out so they have no other choice but to research this matter. Next new hire class 8/4 and 10/14). Each class should have 18-20 but may go up to 25. Goal is 22.
Wireless Technician-no updates as of this time. It has been quiet. I asked a few other locals about what they are doing for the uniforms for their techs, and they gave me the same answer…the company is not participating in the unformed program at this time.
June 2024 Mobility Report
Happy Father’s Day to all of the Daddys
Do not take the opus tablets off of company property without permission from your management team. These tablets are geofenced and the company can locate you. This also applies to inventory.
Please do not write down any passwords or customer phone numbers. In retail, if you do, please give this information back to the customer. I know that sometimes we have the customer write things down when we are porting numbers. All other call centers, please abide by the clean desk policy.
Do not access your own account.
We have been representing dozens of time card fraud investigations.
If you are using life happens, it must be scheduled in advanced. Whenever the additional time is scheduled to be worked, you must work it. I know I spoke on this last month, but we are still having members who may need some more clarification. Closing shifts make up the time on the next calendar day. You cannot make this time up during your lunch break. It must be made up in the same week. For the closing shifts on Saturdays, you will not be able to make this time up.
You have the right during any meeting to request a recess to speak with your union representative.
In life, we all have to use bereavment. Unforturnaley at&t will only recignize certain loved ones. If you have questions about bereavement, please reach out to the union for clarification. Your manager will tell you that you get 7 paid days for all relatives and that is incorrect.
May 2024 Mobility Report
• There has been a reorganization with Retail leadership. Whenever this happens, you know the expectations will change too. Most importantly, there will be more coachings. Please make sure you read each coaching for accuracy.
• Holiday schedules are coming out. Retail should be scheduled 4 days. Call Centers will be able to bid on the holiday schedules.
• All departments are still hiring. If you know of anyone looking for a job, there are options out there.
• Virtual Sales Business Department is combining with the virtual sales consumer department. I was told by the area manager that quota relief will be given to those reps who did not hav system access.
• There was a glitch in the system where attendance hours in Your24 were showing a 1 year expiration date. If this is still showing, please let me know.
• Religious accommodations/excemptions….if you inform your hiring manager of this at the time of your interview, please reach back out to your hiring manager.
April 2024 Mobility Report
First let me say that mobility will support the Bellsouth contract just like they supported us.
*You can order new team colors. Please order early because the selections do sell out
*When you are running a customer’s credit application, do not run the application again and change the data. this includes social, address, etc
*If you are on the clock, you must be ready and able to assist customers. We cannot sit in the back of the store, hiding in the restroom, or sleeping in the inventory rooms. We are having a lot of investigations and sometimes we are snitching on each other-we should be helping each other not hurting each other.
*We had a store infested with rats. If there are cases of something like this at your work center, please let me know.
I met with the VSE Leadership last Tuesday to discuss the department. they were very happy with the last 30 days of results. yield has gone up. Attendance has gotten better.
there will be another new hire class coming up in the next few months
-Call Center and WFH:
*If you are working from home, please make sure your background is quiet. its about to be summertime and i know some of us have children. we need to make sure we still try to keep the noise down.
*There is an open position online for our mobility customer service department. That position can be found online
*you cant tell your manager you don’t want to be coached
*If you are filing a grievance, please file it as soon as possible
*Please do not come to work smelling like illegal substances or alcohol.
March 2024 Mobility Report
· You have 2 more weeks to use your carry over time. It can be used as me time too. Remember-it is use it or lose it.
· Virtual sales experts are hiring for our Atlanta and Alpharetta call centers
· I have heard some complaints about the new headphones and equipment for the virtual sales dept. They switched from Bluetooth due to interference. I know this new equipment may not look, function, or feel as good as the others, but until another solution is found, we have to use this one.
· Last month our mobility calls centers had a last-minute mandatory overtime all hands on deck situation occur within the mobility district. I want to say thank you to all our members who alerted us of the text messages and calls they refused to respond to on their day off.
o If you received attendance points due to this matter, please let me know.
· If you have been chosen for jury duty, please take a picture of the notice for your records just in case you need it to protect your attendance.
· In April, it will be time for those titles who wear team colors to order another allocation.
· Do not purchase or sell drugs to customers.
· If you use the mobility tuition reimbursement, please know you have 90 days to complete the request and submit the documentation. If the process is not complete, you are not eligible for reimbursement.
· When you arrive at your work location and clock in, please make sure you are ready to work-either assisting customers face to face or over the phone.
February 2024 Mobility Report
We are having an issue with late logins. Please ensure that you are working your schedule to its entirety. The systems take some time to boot up. This grace period helps cover you in matters like this.
Please do not clock in on your cellphones.
I know some of the managers are creating their own playbooks-playbooks are a list of do’s don’t’s and things they want done a certain way. Some of the items are part of the AYS Per Labor, the managers can only use the playbook as a guide. They cannot threaten you with discipline. They also cannot make you sign any documentation.
Tony, Ed, and I visited a wireless cell site. We learned a lot about the equipment, sites, and job duties of the wireless technicians. We are always hands on willing to learn more each and every day to represent our members.
Internet Air is about to be the new hot topic. This means they are going to push it a lot in our stores. Take your time, learn this product, bc I am sure there will be a new behavior expected of us soon.
The subject of Mandatory Meetings has been discussed many many times. If you are having a issue, please reach out to me. There are a lot of different variables to this matter but the most important one is if its on your schedule or not. So please reach out to me.
Keep an eye on your infor clock in and outs. Look for the red circles. I have had many mobility members reach out to me about missing hours on their paychecks.
At&t as a whole, in many of our call centers have been looking at out yield time. The union has asked the company for a formula which determines this yield. We have yet to receive one but will keep you posted.
Please make sure you are using your carry over time. It is use it or loose it. A friendly reminder again….Don’t forget to use your rollover paid time off from 2023. It expires on March 31st. If you can’t schedule it, try to use it as me time.
Maximize-slow it down-look for the sale
2/11/24 means raises in mobility.
January 2024 Mobility Membership Report
Happy New Year! I wish you happiness, health, and laughter.
No weapons such as pepper spray are allowed on company property.
Retail new hire quota relief is for 3 months. The amounts may be prorated based off when you are hired. For example, if you start in the middle of the month, it will be 2 weeks of relief instead of a full month.
If you are a commission based role, please make sure you accept the commission comp plan PLE. Without the acceptance, you may miss out on your commission pay outs.
I received word from our VSE members that there was mandatory overtime for Jan. The union had a meeting with the VSE leadership today to request that the union also receive a notification when the agents are going to be required to work mandatory overtime. The company doesn’t have to honor this request but they were happy to accept this request today.
The company has a 48-hour advance notice for all schedule changes. If you are off, you are not required to attend a store meeting. If you are having a problem with this at your location, please let me know.
Please make sure that you are using your COU to call the help desk. This will hopefully protect you in case your manager has any questions about who you are calling or any unknown time.
The loyalty call center has new hours.
If you see a red circle around a date on Infor, please make sure you double check your time for accuracy.
During the slow time of year, which is now, please check your attendance records for accuracy. Most recently we had someone who had over 75 hours on their attendance record which were incorrect.
There is no set date for new hire classes in our sales or loyalty classes yet. Once I get the information, I will get it out to our members as soon as I can.
December 2023 Membership Report:
-Please do not credit your account or anyone’s account that you may know or are involved with. Please use the 6 degrees of separation
-Workday is coming. Access to many systems in one website. One new thing is 5 direct deposits. Another thing we all access a lot is our paystubs. That will now be called pay slip. You can log in to HR Onestop for more information.
-HiPer in our call center systems is gone. It was be removed from all mobility care departments as of 12/6
-Please make sure you are telling customers about all fees-this includes MRC and one time fees. Let’s not assume bc the customer is adding a line they know how much it cost. This also includes activation fees, upgrade fees, and prorated charges.
-Work place violence is out of control and unnecessary
-Funeral fraud-we are still having people turning in fake obituaries.
-Limited exchange time across mobility channels. With some staffing shortages right now and peak business season, we will see a decrease in this option
-Once we are in Jan, please make sure you schedule your roll over time. Use it before any 2024 allocations of paid time off
-Do not falsify your time edits.
-Only add true and real FAN discounts to customer’s accounts. Whole stores have been investigated for FAN fraud.
-Mobility has 45 days to resolve grievances
November 2023 Membership Report
2024 PTO Bidding Dates
Round 1 – Vacation Weeks – 11/1/2023 through 11/8/2023Round 2 – Vacation Days – 11/15/2023 through 11/22/2023
New program launching on 1/2/24 is called work day. This should combine a few of our systems as one. But with all new systems you know there is going to be some heartache and pain
Work Place Violence
Christmas Holiday/DIL Bid
Open Bid: 11/16/2023 Close Bid: 11/27/2023 Released to Schedules: 12/1/2023
New Years Holiday/ DIL Bid
Open Bid: 11/28/2023 Close Bid: 12/5/2023 Released to Schedules: 12/7/2023VSE-commission grievance
Call Center:
There is a bid for 11/17 which will go to in effect on 1/7/2024. The center hours will be changing from 7:45 to 8:15. This was done mainly for safety.LGP scheduled for 11/28If you notice that the AI is typing notes that are not correct, please send your manager a teams message informing them of the errorPSC-your pay raise should be effective 6 months after your title upgrades
WFH-surplus’s grievance
Wfh-psc (in building and wfh)
There are many RSCs being investigated for attaching fraudulent FANS to accounts. In the event you are called in to an investigation for FAN Fraud or anything with someone stating they are the lead investigator, your next statement should be “I want my union rep”Assigned tablets
September 2023
• VSE and Retail the mycomp site is currently down. It is being redesigned so that it’s easier to find things like transactions and your monthly commission reports.
o The site will continue to show your quota relief, digital sales, and your online store sales
o Monthly Transactions will be consolidated into one report and can be downloaded and filtered into Excel.
o You will still have the ability to view individual commission results within 36 to 72 hours after the initial sales transaction occurs and post if DF.
o There will be a new link to access the site. More info and training to come soon.
• The union had an LGP (local governance partnership) with the Mobility Leadership Team for the loyalty group at 754 and our Wfh members. A few days prior to these meetings, the union hands out suggestion forms. These forms allow your voice to be heard. A few things that were mentioned multiple times were sick pay, raises with pay, and more pto. I agree 100%.
• The hybrid PSC position is not coming to ATL just yet
• Thrive is a stress relief option that is being piloted for our WFH
• We have been receiving notifications that the wireless technicians may be asked to work extended hours when certain weather conditions arise. I do want to say thank you to these techs. You keep our cell phones working during these storms. While we are in our homes, you may be dispatched to a cell tower during a hurricane.
• There was a group grievance filled in reference to contractors doing wireless technician work. Tony and I met with the 1st line manager and area manager. Under the guidance and direction of President Barlow, we documented each meeting in detail so that if we have to address it further down the road we have everything we need. Our main concern is job security for our wireless technicians. This matter involved all wireless techs nationwide.
• Union Boards at all call centers have been updated with new flyers and a new seniority list. Go check them out! We always update our boards with our upcoming events and meetings.
August 2023 Membership Report:
• If you leave work without proper authorization, you may be subject to attendance hours/points. If your manager states they approve for you to leave early, ensure you get a written confirmation that states you are approved to leave without any disciplinary repercussions like points or hours
• Do not damage company property. This includes company issued headsets, cou devices, vehicles, ipads….pretty much anything at&t pays for on any of their sites, locations, centers, etc.
• In our retention call center workgroup a program called Thrive will be piloting. Thrive is a real time stress reducing tool to help eliminate burn out. There was a targeted launch date of Aug 1st. When agents experience overly long calls or multiple calls in a row without a break, the system will push a “Thrive Reset” to their workflow. These Thrive Reset breaks are 60 second videos that the company states will help eliminate stress. The company states it increases performance through calming visuals, sounds, and breathing techniques. If you do not want the thrive break, you can decline it and continue to work as normal. This pilot is optional. You can opt out. You should receive more information if not already in your work email.
• There is an issue with the wfh mss bidding. We brough the issue to the company. The company states you should not see bids from other time zones. You should only see bids that you are eligible for. They stated the will follow up with us to see what the resolution would be. Stay tuned for more updates.
• Virtual Sales Experts in Alpharetta, GA are hiring.
• Retail is hiring for the following cities in our local: East Point, Buford.
• The virtual and retail positions do earn commission each month but it is an aggressive sales position.
• Infor and people tools are not syncing showing accurate vacation availability. Example: people tools will show you have less hours but infor will show you more. It’s a known issue and the company is working on it. In my experience, peopletools is usually more accurate.
• Article 24 in our contract speaks to Excused days with pay:
upon hire each regular employee (regular means not temporary which we don’t have any) will be eligible for 2 excused days with pay
after 3 months-eligible for 1
after 6 months-eligible for 1
o this is important bc if they don’t use all of the hours, they can roll them over to next year but cannot exceed 40 hours including vacation
July Mobility Membership Report:
When a manager ask you “what do you feel that you could have done differently?” During any coaching session or side by side, Do not give them a list of things bc they will use that information against you.
As Ed stated-Tony and I met with one of the managers from the wireless technician group. He informed us that The wireless technicians should now if not already have coolers on their trucks. Buuut from the information we just received it’s been updated again
There is a call center new hire class starting this month. We look forward to meeting them. Hopefully during our next LGP we will receive a staffing update for the remainder of the year.
There is an issue with our MSS work from home with their shift bids. The bidding is occurring with a department/district wide bid. This issue will be addressed on July 17th at our District Working Relations Committee meeting with the company and their labor department.
I received a few reports where some location do not have utilities. This includes water and power. I also have been made aware that the AC units were not working properly too.
For the virtual sales experts, there is no ETA at this time when the consumer team will go back on video camera.
For the call center, a new dress code will be going in to effect. Please pay close attention to the details of this document. If you are asked to go home, you will not be paid for this time loss.
June Mobility Membership Report:
Please make sure you are using the 2023 union contract. The new additions and edits can be found in the bold font. There are a few new contract additions that have gone into effect since our last meeting. Here are a few of the changes:
Finally, overtime pay after 8 consecutive hours. This went into effect on May 28th. You should see the changes on your next payroll check. This is an improvement from 11 hours. Unfortunately, if you are scheduled work a 10-hour shift, this shift does not qualify for the overtime pay. (pg 33 on the 2023 Black Contract)
The $55 WFH stipend and the work from home Memorandum of Agreement went into effect in May. The payout will pay out in June. (pg 77 on the 2023 Black Contract)
For the wireless technicians, the Call-out pay increased from one (1) hour to two (2) hours of the technician's basic wage rate went into effect on 5/28. Also the On-Call Duty increase on the daily rate for on-call pay went in to effect on 5/28. (pg 33 on the 2023 Black Contract)
Retail-you cannot fail a side by side if you do not complete a mid-check in. This is why it is so important to read each of your side by sides. If you do not agree with it, you have the right to file a grievance.
Call Center- If you use life happens you must work the makeup time. If not, you can receive attendance points. This is hard for us to fight because you are accepting the terms of this schedule adjustment when you request to use life happens which also has a paper trail.
Call Center- There was some confusion in another department about hold time. The company sent an email CSD agents speaking to hold time which was very vague. Some agents thought it was stating 30 mins but after much discussion, it is the normal 60 seconds.
WFH- There is an issue with the Mobility Sales and Service WFH schedules where reps were bidding as a unit instead of centers, time zones, etc. This matter is being handled and I do not have a resolution date as of right now.
VSE- The union was informed that the business virtual sales experts were opening several positions. These agents would be selected based off seniority and other business qualifications. This opportunity was open for 7 days and will be closing on 6/9.
VSE-Some members have informed us that there have been a lot of calls coming in that are not VSE calls. Examples would be bill payments, cancellations, and transfer of billing responsibilities. We have forwarded this concern to the department. They informed us that when they closed one department and migrated over 100 agents in, the call coding wasn’t fixed.
April 2023 Report
Everyone who wears team colors should have ordered their spring allocation by now for uniforms. If you have not ordered, please check your email and order your uniforms. There should be a total of 6 selections made. You can still wear old seasons and selections as long as it falls within the color guidelines.
I have had a lot of questions about schedules. Schedules are picked based off of seniority. In call centers you can find the seniority list posted on our union boards. In retail you can find it in people tools. If you miss your bid, you will get the left over shifts. In most cases, except when out on approved benefit leave, this would not be grievable but always check with us to see if we can help in any way possible.
Upgraded titles will be coming on April 30th to our Customer Service Reps 1 and 2 including WFH. This means your title will be changing to Premier Service Consultant also known as PSC. Work from home will be PSC WFH. This title change does come with a upgraded wage scale which means another pay increase.
I am waiting on the date the work from home stipend will be issued. The last update was the union was waiting on AT&T and their IT Dept. to finalize the coding in the system.
Our Retail Director had a call speaking to us about fraud and the importance of doing things the right way. Recently a few stores have been under heavy investigation for fraudulent activity. Always get your manager involved if you suspect something is not right. I would recommend to do this on camera and not in the office. You can also note the account to also further explain what steps you took. Most importantly, if someone approaches you in the parking lot with a cash offer, walk away-turn it down.
AT&T does not pay for Covid leave but there are other ways to protect your absence. These options are paid using your own available buckets of time or unpaid using other leave options. If you contract this virus and have any questions about these options please let us know and we can explain in further details.
When you are off work, whether it’s for a day, or on benefits, you are off. Your managers should not contact you. If you are out on benefits and they call you, please let us know. Also, I know we say this a lot but we will continue to preach it, stop telling the company your business. It will come back to bite you in the butt. They are not your friends.
In our loyalty group, the company is looking in to excessive usage of the CSD. There have been extended wait times because they are being flooded with request. Let’s try not to forward everything to them and only what cannot be handled or is really a true request.
March 2023 Membership Report
• Please ensure you are scheduling your carry over time and are using it by March 31st. If you cannot schedule it, try to use it as me time. It is a use it or lose it bucket
• Our retail stores and call centers are hiring. Please look online for open positions.
• You are not required to email your manager business leads. All of this secure information should be entered in to the Sales Force Portal
• Do not access a customer’s account without an official business reason or if the customer is in front of you. This can lead to termination.
• Hold time is 60 seconds not 15 minutes
• We have received many questions, concerns, and complaints in reference to schedule preferences for our retail stores. This issue has been escalated to the district for clarification and we are awaiting a response
• If you have not received an email asking you to vote on the Tentative Agreement please call me, text me, or call the local so that we can verify your email address and send you another ballot
• Any time a coaching document is entered in to your record, the conversation needs to happen before it is entered in to the system. This allows time for you to ask questions, have discussion, and fully understand what is entered in to your personnel record.
• Please review all of your side by sides and huddle documents for accuracy when you receive them via email. During the grievance process we are finding discrepancies
2023 Mobility FINAL Bargaining Report 2/10/2023
It is with great excitement that the District 3 Black Bargaining Committee can announce that we have reached a Tentative Agreement with AT&T Mobility for a new contract covering over 7,000 workers across the nine southeastern states. Thank you all again for standing with us through this process!
This agreement must be approved by a majority vote to take effect, and more details will be coming out soon about this process.
We have many new improvements for every group in the Black Contract. This includes substantial wage increases with inflation protection, job title upgrades, paid parental leave, overtime after eight hours, new stipends for work-from-home agents, enhanced job security, commuter benefits, increased severance payments, and much more.
Your Bargaining Committee wants to thank you for your hard work and mobilization efforts. Without your hard work each day, this would not be possible.
Mindy, Karen, Tammy, and Rodney
2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #11 2/10/2023
Your bargaining committee has met with the company multiple times throughout the day. We are still discussing wages, benefits, and job security, and will continue to meet throughout the evening. Negotiations are moving in a positive direction, and we will keep you posted.
Thank you for showing your support today!
In unity,
Your Bargaining Committee,
Karen Nagjee, Local 3204 Tammy Harmon, Local 3406 Mindy Boldon, Local 3108 Rodney Hughes, Local 3607 Andee Hubbard (Co-Chair) Kelvin Banks (Chair)
2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #9 2/9/2023
Yesterday your bargaining committee met with the company multiple times to stress the importance of a livable wage. To us, it’s quite simple-we work hard. We make profits for the company. We would like a bigger piece of the pie just so we can pay our bills on time and put food on the table. The company continues to miss the mark, but they are headed in the right direction. The Bargaining Committee passed proposals stressing the importance of call center work in District 3. We also wanted to ensure our corporate-owned retail stores have more visibility than Authorized Retailers. Your Bargaining Committee is also having a lengthy discussion about benefits. Today is Thursday! We can't wait to see everyone in their union red from head to toe!! Stay union strong!
A huge thank you to CWA Local 3902 for providing us with a juicy lunch! We also want to thank CWA Local 3108 for the warm and huge Crumble cookies and a special thanks to the Georgia Local Presidents for dinner! Thank you for being so gracious and thoughtful. We appreciate the love you showed us.
In unity,
Your Bargaining Committee,
Mindy Boldon, Local 3108 Karen Nagjee, Local 3204 Tammy Harmon, Local 3406 Rodney Hughes, Local 3607 Andee Hubbard (Co-Chair) Kelvin Banks (Chair
2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #4
Your Mobility Bargaining Committee continues to meet with Company representatives. After many discussions there have been tentative agreements made to improve overtime rules and on- call pay and although we have made some progress we know that a highly profitable company like AT&T Mobility can do much better!! We rejected the company’s initial subpar benefits proposal and are currently reviewing their second benefits proposal that we received this afternoon. There are many important discussions left to be had regarding a range of issues that are extremely important. The committee appreciates the continued support! We are only as strong as the members we represent! MOBILIZE! MOBILIZE! MOBILIZE!
We would like to send a special thanks to Local 3607 for the care packages! In Unity,
Your Bargaining Committee
Mindy Boldon, Local 3108 Karen Nagjee, Local 3204 Tammy Harmon, Local 3406 Rodney Hughes, Local 3607 Andee Hubbard, (Co-Chair) Kelvin Banks, (Chair)
2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #1 01/24/2023
Your mobility bargaining committee met today with AT&T Company representatives, and each Chair gave opening remarks prior to start of bargaining. The company gave a statement about purpose and their need to grow the business. CWA Committee Chair gave opening remarks emphasizing that the bargaining committee was determined to let our members be heard and taken seriously. The Chair spoke on compensation, benefits, job security, and work-life balance, just to name a few. The Chair closed his remarks with comments on the pandemic, rising inflation, how our Mobility members make AT&T successful, and our demand that they share in the success of the company.
The Union then passed numerous proposals to address concerns that were submitted by members and Locals across District 3. The company asked clarifying questions regarding the union proposals. The company only had three proposals to present today. One was on benefits, and the others were Holidays and Illness/Injury. The Union said we would give their proposals consideration and respond at a later date. Thanks for all your support...stay CWA STRONG!
In unity,
Your Bargaining Committee,
Kelvin Banks (Chair) Andee Hubbard (Co-Chair) Mindy Boldon, Local 3108 Karen Nagjee, Local 3204 Tammy Harmon, Local 3406 Rodney Hughes, Local 3607
2023 Mobility Bargaining Report #2 1/25/23 Your Mobility Bargaining Committee met today with AT&T Company representatives. The company started the day by rejecting our pension proposal. The committee made it clear that a defined pension is a very important issue to our members, and we will continue to advocate for it! The company then passed a counter-proposal to our holiday proposal. The committee will discuss the company’s counter proposal and prepare a response. The union passed multiple proposals to the company to improve compensation, job security, and safety.
The union will continue to have meaningful and powerful discussions with the company to ensure what is best for our members is brought to the table. The bargaining committee appreciates all the encouraging messages and support we have received from our members. We ask that you continue your mobilization efforts and remember...stay CWA STRONG!
In unity,
Your Bargaining Committee,
Kelvin Banks (Chair)
Andee Hubbard (Co-Chair) Mindy Boldon, Local 3108 Karen Nagjee, Local 3204 Tammy Harmon, Local 3406 Rodney Hughes, Local 3607
January Mobility Membership Report
• Happy 2023! I don’t know if everyone else feels the same way as I do, but 2022 was a long tough year full of many challenges professionally and personally.
• I want to make sure that everyone knows in the call centers that “Life Happens” request must be made up the same day and there is a limit to 30 mins with this request
• Now that we all have a refill on our vacation and paid time off buckets, please use your carry over time before March 31st. This time must be scheduled and used no later than that date. If not, you will lose it. There is no cash out option
• If your manager is asking for you to submit business leads, please make sure you are submitting that information in the SalesForce Portal. This information should not be emailed to them. If this is a problem at your location, please let us know
• The Mobility Call Centers will be hiring each month for the next 5 months. If you know anyone looking for a job (Retention-both work from home and Midtown or Virtual Sales Experts-(Alpharetta and Midtown) please keep an eye out for the position req numbers online
• If you were a previous employee, it may take 6 months for your time to bridge. We have a lot of members coming back to AT&T and this has been a hot topic.
• I know that schedule bidding isn’t always perfect and sometimes its upsetting. Whether you are a single parent, a caregiver, a small business owner, someone who wants to save money a student, etc….whatever schedule you pick, you are responsible for what day that schedule goes in to effect. Please pay close attention to these details and dates. In retail, you know it can be different each day and change weekly. Use the shift app but don’t rely on your screenshots as the main source. In call centers, look at my work life. Your schedule doesn’t change as frequently-thank goodness.
• Any time that your manager says they will fix your time, please email them the dates and exact times in that email so that you will have a paper trail for your records. As always, you can get us involved at any time or file a grievance
• At times, you may have a disagreement with your coworker. At no time is work place violence acceptable to AT&T. This is a COBC violation that can quickly lead to termination.
• If you are suspended or called in to any meeting with management that can lead to discipline, please ask for a union rep. This is like a time out on the conversation.
• Thank you to everyone for taking the time to fill out and return the bargaining suggestion forms. If we don’t speak up for what we want changed,
“The time is always right to do what is right”-The Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Whatever affects one directly, affects all indirectly”-The Rev Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
December 2022 Mobility Report
• In retail, your work schedules should be posted in the break room area. These schedules should show what your shifts are for the next two weeks. These print out should be updated every Friday by noon. You can also look at your schedule on the shift app but please do not take screenshots
• In the mobility contract, if you are required to appear in court, that specific date is excused. You can use your paid time off for this date. If you do not have any paid time off, it will be excused without pay
• In the call centers, please ensure that you are ready and available to receive calls. The union is receiving an increase in representation for multiple issues were our members are either using the wrong options in Avaya, camping on calls, or walking around the centers. All of these can lead to discipline.
• I would like to ask that all of our Mobility members please continue to fill out the suggestion forms. They are coming in and we only have 2 weeks left to fill out as many as we can. Some popular topics, besides pay, that we have received are:
o No points/Waiting period when using Sick Leave
o Parking at Call Center should be free
o Paid Paternity Leave Options
o 72 hour advance notice for schedule changes in writing
o Enhanced benefits for Military
• Your attendance record is your responsibility. If your manager says they will clock you on or fix your time, please email them so that you have a paper trail. We say this many times and we need your help.
• In the event you are Covid positive, there are other ways for you to protect your absence. Please reach out to Yolanda so that she advise you on how you may be able to protect your absence while you recover.
• The holidays are quickly approaching. With the things we see in the news, I want to ask that everyone please be as safe as possible when leaving their work place
• I have been notified by some members that some managers may be entering coachings while the reps are not at work. Per the contract, managers should speak with you first then input any documentation in to your personnel record. Please let me know if this is happening to you so we can assist you in getting this matter resolved
November 2022 Mobility Membership Report
Thank you to everyone who door knocked, made phone calls, or contributed to this current election.
• The union has filed a grievance on behalf of the Virtual Sales Experts in reference to improper delivery of the updated attendance policy.
• Holiday Hours are approaching. As of right now we have only been informed of hours changes for the retail stores and the Virtual Sales Experts-only black Friday as of now
• The Mobility Call Center will have a new hire class starting in Jan
• Please check your attendance record. We have noticed that when some of the call centers switched from one attendance policy to another some invalid points appeared due to grace period changes
• We still need bargaining suggestion forms. Please go to the website, fill out the form, and return to our local no later than Dec 31st.
• PTO Bidding is going on right now-first by weeks then by days. If you need to use your rollover for Jan and you are having a hard time submitting it during bidding, please email and speak with your manager for assistance
• VSE has added a midshift schedule for 10-7pm. The company heard our complaints and it worked.
October Mobility Membership Report
• By now you should have received your uniforms. Please make sure you order your clothes if you have not because you will not be able to order more until April
• We are starting to see a spike in fraudulent activity. Please make sure you are extra careful and if you have any concerns, ask your manager to come over to the table. If you still are concerned afterwards, note the account with your steps and what actions you took to active the account. If anyone approaches you in the parking lot offering you a cash option to assist in fraudulent activity, please let your manager know.
• Starting October 1st, the Virtual Sales Department will close at 10pm instead of 11pm.
• Virtual Sales Experts are hiring . If you would like the req numbers or have any questions about the position, please let me know
• Just as a refresher, as of August, the VSE Department has a new attendance policy. Its points and not hours in the following format:
o Less than 10 minutes missed from scheduled shift = No Points
10 minutes – 120 minutes missed from scheduled shift = 0.25 Points
121 minutes – 240 minutes missed from scheduled shift = 0.50 Points
241 minutes – 360 minutes missed from scheduled shift = 0.75 Points
361 minutes + missed from scheduled shift = 1.00 Point
o Disciplinary Process (Point Accruals Based On Rolling 6 Months of Active Employment)
0.00 – 2.75 Occurrence Points = Coaching/Manager Review
3.00 – 3.75 Occurrence Points = Counseling Notice
4.00 – 4.75 Occurrence Points = Written Warning
5.00 – 5.75 Occurrence Points = Final Written Warning
6.00+ Occurrence Points = Review for Termination
• Please pay close attention to your surroundings when you are walking out of your building to your vehicle. I know that once we get off work and walk out the building, many of us whip out our phones and start talking or texting. I would ask that, if possible, please wait so that you are fully alert of your environment.
• If AT&T sends you home for the day, depending on the situation, they will pay you. There is no need to argue with them on a call center floor or sales floor. Hopefully the union is present to ensure the situation is handled properly.
• Managers are trying to have mandatory meetings each week. If this is affecting your schedule, please let me know.
• Vacation bidding is coming soon. It will be performed in seniority order by weeks then after everyone has either picked or forfeited their pick, it will go back around for everyone to select days in seniority order.
• We need suggestion forms.
September Membership Report
• Absolutely no customer information should be written down. If you manager request that you write down a customer’s name, address, phone number, or any other information, please let me know
• Please look at your timecard each day. Infor is still new to us and new to the managers. If you are going to be out on vacation, please ensure your time is entered so that your paycheck and attendance are not affected.
• We are all adults. Please respect each other. You don’t have to be best friends and eat lunch together each day. We just ask that you not threaten each other
• In retail, when there is a holiday during the months of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd quarter, retail employees will be scheduled for four working days. The company will askf for voluntters for the 5th day of work and the holiday.
• It is almost time to order team colors. Keep your eye out for the emails.
• It’s almost the busy time of year for our departments. Whether it is calls increasing, traffic in stores peaking, or trouble tickets coming in, one thing is going to remain the same: customers are going to be impatient and try to call you out of your name. I beg of you..please slow down. Take one customer at a time. Confirm and double check what you are doing to ensure you are following policies.
• Your schedules may be changing due to “high profile phone” launch days, preorder dates, etc. If you have questions about it, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Managers have 48 working hours to notify you of schedule changes
• RETAIL: Do not check your Teams Messenger on your day off. Your manager cannot use this as a notification to inform you that your schedule has changed
• Flyer dropping at business locations is completely optional. It is not mandatory.
• PTO rollover: black out times are coming. You can only roll over a maximum of 40 hours of vacation to the next year. These 40 hours must be scheduled and used by March 31st
August 2022 Mobility Membership Report
There have been an increase in COVID cases at the 754 Building. At one point we had well over 30 active cases at once. I want to remind everyone about the mandatory mask and social distancing policy. Please make sure that you wear your mask at all times whenever possible. Of course if you are eating or drinking you wont be able to wear your mask. I know we like to eat lunch with our coworkers too. Life has changed so much since COVID, but it seems the cases at work are increasing.
We are aware there are some scheduling issues in the virtual sales department. We will work as quickly as we can to get more answers on these issues which affect seniority and preferences. There is also a new Area Manager. I will be meeting with her to discuss a few other concerns such as bidding and scheduling.
Infor-its a hot mess. Bottom line. But as with anything else new that comes our way, we don’t have a choice but to use it, get used to it, and report any issues that we face along the way. I would highly advise you watch your time punches and time coding. If you see any errors, please email your manager so that these matters can be addressed hopefully within 48 hours and during the same pay period.
If you are unable to submit your metime, please verify that you have the hours to be used in your allocated buckets. The system will not approve your request if its not available or allow a negative number. You may need to ask your manager for me time approval too.
As we all know, the temporary Work from home MOA (memorandum of agreement) has been extended for Mobility until March 2023. However there is a statement in this MOA that states the company has the right to ask us to return to the building at their discretion. As of right now, the company has every intention to return Mobility to the building starting mid to late September. If there is any updates, we will post them on our Facebook page and email them to our members.
There have been a few investigations recently that I want to bring to your attention. All of these situations can lead to termination:
• Please do not falsely report that you have COVID.
• Do not use fake obituaries, fake death certificates, or and false funeral/memorial paperwork.
• Do not come to work under the influence of any substance. This includes the loud and the liquor. The company is investigating these matters when they smell it or see irrational behaviors. Most recently a coworker reported it and the individual was investigated.
• While you are out on medical leave, you cannot work for another company
I do not have any contract updates but I want to continue to encourage everyone to fill out suggestion forms. We need to work together to make sure this contract protects us as much as possible.
June 2022 Mobility Report
We have received notifications that load balances are occurring in the retail stores. A load balance is when the company wants to move one RSC from one location that is over headcount to another that is lower in headcount and needs help. The contract states that the company must first post the notification. They must ask for a volunteer. If no one volunteers to transfer, the person with the least amount of seniority will be transferred. The company is following the proper steps and the union is being notified of these changes in a timely manner. If you have questions about the process, please reach out and I am happy to help.
I have requested a headcount and seniority list for Virtual Sales. As soon as I receive it, we will post on the union boards at the 2 locations. This information is important especially if you want to bid off of a team when its time to schedule bid. Remember-your seniority for VSE is by team not by work center.
Some stores have had their hours changed. The company still must give you two days off if you are full time. If you are part time your days off could be up to three. When there are schedule changes, the company must give you a 48 hour notice.
Change of Leadership means changes to our stores. The one thing that does not change is the contract and our union representation.
Time Keeping system will be changing in July to a system called Infor. Please pay close attention to the details of this training. I have included some information listed below for the affected job titles:
Retail: How you will manage time reporting starting July 17 or July 24
1. You continue to positively report your time (system and terminology change)
Infor, records the time you work by clocking. You clock periodically during your worked shift and that time feeds to eLink to calculate your pay based on the time you report.
2. You can edit your time (functional change for employee)
You can submit edits to your clocked time – including missed clocks – in Infor. Your supervisor can also make edits to your time.
3. You continue to request absences through MWL (no change to entry system)
You submit ad hoc time off request through MWL or MySchedule which feeds to Infor and then to eLink.
4. Edits to your time occur in the system where it was entered (system change)
If you need to make any changes to your time, you will adjust it in the system where it was entered. Edits to time prior to July 17, 2022 or July 24, 2022 (prior to whatever day you first began reporting time in Infor), must be done by your GTR in MyTime and in eLink. Edits to time beginning July 17, 2022 or July 24, 2022 (whatever day you begin reporting time in Infor), are made in Infor. You can edit your clocks if they are missed or inaccurate within the current pay period and one pay period prior. Supervisors and GTRs can edit time in Infor up to 6 months.
5. Approvals (frequency and notification change)
You are required to approve each day of worked time. Infor sends notifications for missed approvals. Pay is not contingent on approved time.
Bargained Technicians: How you will manage time reporting starting July 17 or July 24
1. You continue to positively report your time (system and terminology change)
Infor, records the time you work by clocking. You clock periodically during your worked shift and that time feeds to eLink to calculate your pay based on the time you report.
2. You can edit your time (system change)
You can edit clocks if they are incorrect and you can add clocks or work details that are required for a particular task in in Infor.
3. You continue to request absences through MWL (no change to entry system)
You submit ad hoc time off request through MWL which feeds to Infor and then to eLink.
4. Edits to your time occur in the system where it was entered (system change)
If you need to make any changes to your time, you will adjust it in the system where it was entered. Edits to time prior to July 17, 2022 or July 24, 2022 (prior to whatever day you first began reporting time in Infor), must be done by your GTR in MyTime and in eLink. Edits to time beginning July 17, 2022 or July 24, 2022 (whatever day you begin reporting time in Infor), are made in Infor. You can edit your clocks if they are missed or inaccurate within the current pay period and one pay period prior. Supervisors and GTRs can edit time in Infor up to 6 months.
5. Approvals (frequency and notification change)
You are required to approve each day of worked time. Infor sends notifications for missed approvals. Pay is not contingent on approved time.
Call Center: How you will manage time reporting starting July 17 or July 24
1. You continue to positively report your time (system and terminology change)
Infor, records the time you work by clocking. You clock periodically during your worked shift and that time feeds to eLink to calculate your pay based on the time you report.
2. You can edit your time (functional change for employee and supervisor)
You can submit edits to your clocked time – including missed clocks – in Infor. Your supervisor can also make edits to your time.
3. You continue to request absences through myWorkLife(MWL)/IEX/MySchedule (no change to entry system) You submit ad hoc time off request through MWL/IEX/MySchedule which feeds to Infor and then to eLink.
4. Edits to your time occur in the system where it was entered (system change)
If you need to make any changes to your time, you will adjust it in the system where it was entered. Edits to time prior to July 17, 2022 or July 24, 2022 (prior to whatever day you first began reporting time in Infor), must be done by your GTR in MyTime and in eLink. Edits to time beginning July 17, 2022 or July 24, 2022 (whatever day you begin reporting time in Infor), are made in Infor. You can edit your clocks if they are missed or inaccurate within the current pay period and one pay period prior. Supervisors and GTRs can edit time in Infor up to 6 months.
5. Approvals (frequency and notification change)
You are required to approve each day of worked time. Infor sends notifications for missed approvals. Pay is not contingent on approved time.
A seniority list for the call center has been posted to the call center floors. If you would like a copy, please let me know via email at knagjee@cwa3204.org or text at 770-596-0886 and I will send one to you.
The next new hire call center class will be on June 20th at 754 Peachtree.
May 2022 Mobility Report
-In the event the company sends you home due to a workplace issue, they are supposed to pay you.
-I cannot stress how important it is to ask for the union when you are speaking with management or asset protection about something that can lead to discipline.
-You are not supposed to be scheduled for work on your days off. This includes trainings, meetings, etc. If you are scheduled, please let me know.
-I have heard about a few sexual harassment complaints from customers and coworkers. As coworkers, please lets respect each other. If a customer does harass you, let your manager know as soon as possible.
-As I’m sure everyone knows, we are no longer required to complete the daily workplace health assessment
-Last month I asked for everyone to start gathering important details and suggestions that they would want added to the contract. I would like for each of you to keep taking notes and collecting important recommendations. The union will be requesting this information very very soon!
-There are many mobility jobs posted online each month. Some of these are permanent work from home too. If you know anyone looking for a job, refer them!
-If you know anyone who works in IHX, please forward their contact info to me so that I can give it to the IHX organizing committee
-There are 106 non members in mobility. We have a potential member list on our website. For each person you get to sign up, there is a bounty of $25 for you. We need to get as many members as we can before contract renewal time.
April 2022 Mobility Membership Report
• Retail Stores are hiring for retail sales consultant positions. Many locations in our local are looking for sales reps. If you are bilingual, you get paid an additional shift differential if you are hired for a position which requires your language skills.
• Call Center Agents will be asked to come in to the center to swap out their equipment. Each agent will be paid four hours to complete this process. The agents will be asked to test their equipment.
• If you are trying to get help from your manager while on a call, please Q him/her. Inform them of what your call is about and then ask “how do you suggest I proceed?” or “what do you think I should do?”. These valuable messages could help save the day.
• Do not call Customer Service pretending to be a customer. This is a Code of Business Violation.
• Do not use company devices to check personal accounts of any kind. This includes company ipads and company computers. Please do not check your bank accounts, social media, email…anything.
• I know I speak about safety during the holidays but please not enter a retail store by yourself. This is for safety reasons. I know we are all trying to clock in on time, but I beg you to please look out for yourself. The best advice I can give you is to walk in front of the door which has a camera then go sit in your car. This will be proof to your management team that you were there on time to work.
• Please be honest and truthful when completing the health assessment and My Work Life call outs. Most recently we have seen an increase in our representations for falsifying bereavement and covid call outs
Many people are asking about when we will start asking for recommendations for the next contract. I am more excited than you can imagine. Our lives have changed so much these past few years and now more than ever we need to speak up and stick together. I know everyone wants more pay. But think about what affects you and your coworkers daily. Is it the length of time since a SOAR Referral? Is it parking? Is it the coaching time frames? These are some examples but I want to know what matters to you….what is important to you. Because to me, I want to be able to put food on the table for my family and have job security with affordable health care and right now I know im not the only one who wants MORE.
March 2022 Mobility Report
I’m sure everyone has heard about the new mask policy. If you are vaccinated, you have the option to wear one. If you are not fully vaccinated, the company has mandated it that you must wear one. Me personally, I still wear one at times.
I hope everyone has used their vacation carryover by now because it is use it or lose it. If you still have hours in the carryover bucket, speak with your manager to see if there is a day you can use those hours.
Wireless Technicians:
We are starting to get a lot more calls from your work group. The $25 bounty still applies to you as well. Don’t hesitate to call me to ask if someone in your workgroup is a member or non member
Whenever you have any investigations (asset protection, safety, etc) please do not hesitate to ask for union representation. We have a safety specialist who ensures your investigations are completed correctly
Call Center:
When you need support while on a call, please Q and email your manager so that you will have a paper trail. This could potentially save your job one day. This is also the same process you should take for time coding.
We have stressed this over and over but I feel it is an important piece to reiterate. Please do not keep your customers on hold more than 60 seconds.
There are a few load balances happening in the Metro Atlanta area. Load balances occur when a store is over head count and another is below. Your manager will ask for volunteers going around to each person in highest seniority asking if they are willing to transfer to another location. If there are no volunteers, the person with the least amount of seniority would be forced to transfer.
February Membership Report
Mobility will see a raise on February 12th of 2.5%
As we all know, our employee benefits with digital life, internet, and all tv services have changed. Please make sure you look at the emails for more information to see what your new rates would be if you decide to keep the services. Wireless is still 50% off.
All of the stewards at CWA Local 3204 have volunteered to help our members. Please don’t hesitate to ask them any questions. Anything that you speak with a steward or e-board member about stays between you and the union.
I have a new seniority list for the CSR work group including work from home. If you would like a copy, please let me know and I can send it to you. It will also be printed and posted on the union boards in the buildings.
Virtual Sales Experts will be hiring for bilingual reps. This position will come with a wage differential for language skills.
If you are a new hire in retail, please know that you get quota relief when you first start assisting customers. If you do not feel comfortable after your two week training period, please let your manager know so that you can receive more training. This is your time to learn so please do not feel rushed to hit the floor due to staffing issues.
I have been in a lot of investigations recently. Some of the most popular issues across Mobility seem to be COBC related. Here are a few things to avoid: accessing accounts without the customer present, coming to work under the influence of drugs or alcohol, releasing calls, hold time, misconduct in restrooms with another coworker, organized fraud, not verifying accounts.
January Membership Report
-Covid in the stores is peaking again. When this happens, some of our stores may be hit harder than others and we may be asked to temporarily work at different locations because the company may temporarily close locations.
-Call Center and VSE-make sure you are wearing masks. We are receiving daily complaints from members on each other.
-Please leave the handicap marked spots open for those who need the spaces. If you do not have a decal, please do not park in it
-If you rolled over any vacation time, please make sure you use it by March 31st. Go ahead and schedule it now, don’t wait until the last minute. The roll over time is use it or lose it.
-if you are coached multiple times about wearing your mask the company may send you home and this can lead to discipline. Please let me know if this happens to you
-All the mobility titles are hiring and most of them now come with sign on bonuses. If you know anyone looking for a job, please refer them
November Membership Report:
On Tuesday Nov 2nd, there was a hiring event for the virtual sales experts. At&t will continue to hire for this title. When the union asked how many agents they are looking for they didn’t have a limit or expected capacity at this time
The union met with the management team for the virtual sales experts. The company and the union came to a settlement that if anyone was issued invalid attendance points due to a schedule error during iphone launch, these points will be removed. Please email your manager and cc myself at knagjee@cwa3204.org so we can get this resolved for you
PTO Bidding is here! Please make sure you are completing your bids in a timely manner so you will not get skipped
It is your responsibility to bring your badges each day to the building with you to work. This will ensure less timecard errors and less attendance points
Attendance is being hit hard across all of the Mobility departments, termination are high due to FMLA, Covid Assessment Fraud. Investigations are starting for those employees’ showing patterns for attendance.
Please ask for Union representation. Employees are going into Asset Protection interviews without Union representation.
In the call Center the company is adding CRM Usage as a qualifier for compensation payouts. If you don’t meet CRM usage percentage, there will be no compensation payout for that month.
October Mobility Membership Report
Please keep your eye on your available vacation time buckets. This includes EWP, FHH, VAC, etc. because blackout times are coming. Only 40 hours of your days can roll over to next year.
• If you know of any IHX employees, please let me know. You can give them my contact information or you can pass their information to me
• We will be PTO bidding soon for 2022. If you know there is a week off that you will need, this would be the time to lock it in. First we bid by weeks off then we bid by individual days off. This is done in seniority order.
Please double check your trade ins for accuracy. If not, this can lead to discipline. Let’s slow down and make sure we check the memory and model numbers
Call Center:
Seniority has changed a lot in the past 60 days. If you would like a copy of the seniority list, please reach out to me and I can get that information for you
Please email your manager if you need your time coded. Don’t wait. Do it as soon as you can. This will also give you a paper trail in case you need to refer to it later. We need help spreading the word to our coworkers.
Virtual Sales:
The union was notified about an issue with schedule changes. We have filed a group grievance to meet with the Area Manager to ensure these changes going forward are honoring the contract
September 2021 Mobility Membership Report
• Fall Allocation will be coming in the next 60 days. Remember it is not dollar amount anymore, it’s just the selection of items.
• We all have daily job duties. If your manager asks you to wipe the tables down, please do so. As long as it’s nothing immoral, illegal, or unethical, please fulfil your job duties.
• It’s almost iPhone season. This means that your schedule may change for iPhone launch including a split shift for the preorder and/or launch day.
Virtual Sales Expert:
• This is not a work from home job. If you are told this during your interview process, please let me know
• The VSEs are going to be part of The Summit ranking program. See mycsp for more details.
• Your Director notified the union before the teams were merged. This should have been done in seniority order.
Call Center:
• New Hire Class will begin on September 13th
• If you need your time coded or edited, please email it and que it to your manager so that you have a paper trail easily accessible to you
• Recently there was miscommunication about mandatory overtime. If you received attendance points, please let the union know. We are not MSS.
• With iPhone launch coming, this means an increase in call volume and mandatory/voluntary overtime. Please take one call at a time.
• Hold time is less than 60 seconds.
New Work:
• There have been a lot of questions about work from home. Work from home was extended for the mobility agents working from 754 until Sept 2022. There were also job reqsopened to make this position permanent which were titled CSR 1 WFH
August 2021, August Membership Report
• With Covid numbers spiking, some locations and centers have mandated masks again. If you work in the City of Atlanta, it is mandatory for you to wear a mask in all buildings, floors, and departments
• Please ensure you are also completing your health assessment
• Please answer your health assessment honestly and truthfully. It is not true that you will automatically be sent home for 10 days. If you are positive or if you have been around someone who was positive you may be sent home for 10 days. However, there is a symptom question which, if failed will send you home for 3 days. All of these questions are subject to change at the discretion of the company
• AT&T has sold a portion of Directv, which will now operate as a separate company. In reference to our discount, if you cancel your service you will lose your discount. If you have the discount, you will keep it
• You must clock in and out from your computers not your COUs. There have been reports that the company is investigating this issue
• If your manager is informing you that you must clock out any earlier than your scheduled end shift time, please let me know
• The VSE Department will be hiring in the next couple of weeks
-Call Center-
• LGP is scheduled for Aug 12th. We have many issues to discuss with them which you have brought to us.
• Another new hire class will start in Sept
• Please make sure that your time is being coded and you are informing your manager in writing on the same day that it needs to be edited.
• The district notified the local that there were several stores in the Southeast closing. There were no stores in Georgia on this list
• Please make sure you wear a mask when you are in your break room and limit how many people are in the break room and inventory room at once. I have heard that management is going to be paying closer attention to the social distancing policy which is only here to keep us safe and healthy.
July Mem Report
-Please remember it is your right to have union representation. This goes for asset protection investigations/meetings, QIRs, and discipline deliveries. Even if you remember to ask half way through, it is never too late
-Your company computers, phones, and equipment are for company use only. You cannot allow anyone to use the devices or equipment for personal use.
Call Center:
-At&t has starting sending notices to call center employees about returning back to work in September when the work from home policy expires. There was some buzz that it would be happening in waves, but that was for management.
-I am hearing that a new pilot position called a “customer experience coordinator” may be coming to select stores. If you have heard that this is coming to your store, please let me know.
-You cannot take your COU out of the county. If you are waiting for the schedule bidding message while you are on vacation, please reach out to me so I can advise you on a backup plan
-new hours for the Lenox Mall..add info here..additional security has been added in the mall and police in the area as well. Because the store is going to be closing early, att will be fined but the company is willing to pay this fee to keep our members safe
Virtual Sales Experts:
-no final details on your pay structure. As soon as the union finalizes the details with the company, we will let you know
June 2021
• The mask policy has changed. It is still mandatory that employees wear a mask. The customers who are fully vaccinated are not required to wear a mask. You cannot ask them if they are vaccinated.
• Individual bottles of hand sanitizers are not being replenished. For now, I would recommend to carry your own until this matter is resolved.
Virtual Sales:
• The pay is still being negotiated
• Your schedules should be done in seniority order. This includes night shift selection and shift bid.
Call Center:
• Check your personal record. This means check your attendance and check your mycoach. Your manager cannot put something in your file if you are not present.
• Verify what the expectations/processes are with your manager if a call is disconnected, call back procedures, or payment processing. We are seeing some agents state they don’t know what to door are unfamiliar with the process
• Please do not use Mycsp. You are now supposed to use CCKM. There is a report that shows who is still accessing the site
All of the mobility positions are hiring. Just know that if you transfer in from a different contract, your benefits may not be the same. This may include pension, medical, and 401k
May 2021,
• It is not mandatory for you to temporarily work at another location
• Your manager cannot call you on your day off and ask you to come in the next day early
• All retail employees will be scheduled to work 4 days during the week of Memorial Day, July 4th, and Labor Day. In addition to this schedule, any bargained employee scheduled to work on those holidays listed will be given the option to select an additional day of work. This is completely optional
Call Center:
• If you are in a meeting with your manager, whether for a coaching or an investigation, please do not access the customer’s account. This is a COBC violation.
• If you transferred from Retail to any Call Center position (WFH due to store closure or CSR) there is a different attendance policy than retail. Also, because of this, your points could change. Keep an eye on this and let the union know so we can get this corrected.
• In a few weeks, I will request a new seniority list. I will post on facebook when I receive it so I can share it with the membership.
Virtual Sales Experts
• Your chargeback period is 180 days from the date of the sale. There were rumors it was 90 days but this is incorrect
• If you need a contract book, please let me know. You can also find this information on the contract tab of the cwa3204.org home page
Overall, as a Mobility Group, we have been doing very well protecting ourselves. A lot of members have taken the vaccine. I encourage everyone to continue to wear a mask at all times, wash your hands, and if you are feeling ill, please take care of yourself.
April 2021 Mobility Membership Report
The time in title clause in the contract does not apply to load balance movements
You cannot be disciplined for your numbers, but you can for your behaviors. There is a report that shows days since last sale. If your number is in red, you know they will be observing you closely
Remember, if you are more than 10 minutes late, it is 2 hours on Your24
Virtual Sales Experts:
The union is in communication with the area managers to ensure proper schedule bidding, vacation request, and seniority are all being done in accordance with the contract
There is a clean desk policy that you need to follow
The department will be split in to two different locations. Reach out to your manager if you do not know what location you will be assigned
Don’t forget to take your health assessments each day when you enter the building
Call Center:
We really need to watch our hold times (60 seconds or less). The calls are being monitored. This is a COBC violation. Please verify the number that you are cancelling to ensure the removal process is done accurately. We are seeing an increase of disciplines for failure to disclose. If you are not seeing the disclosures, please access myscp for the information to ensure we are protecting ourselves.
The union has filed a grievance on behalf of the call center in reference to call quality and classification. Thank you for always reaching out to us. We are here to help. My stewards and I are always here to answer any questions.
March 2021 Membership Report
Call Center-
Please do not type the customer’s phone number or passcode into the notepad. We are seeing an increase of disciplines due to this infraction.
On Feb 25th, the union met with the management at the call center to discuss the year to date performance, head count, and hot topics. Some of the issues that came up were system issues, no call backs, unknown time, and overall tone on calls
Only a manager can deliver discipline, not a team lead/mi60
New hire class started on March 8th
Your24 started on February 13th. The minimum amount of hours you can receive is 2 hours. So this means if you are 15 minutes late, you will receive 2 hours.
Your points were converted with the formula pointsX4=hours
You should not call customers from your personal phone during work hours
Please do not bring any illegal drugs, weapons, or other paraphernalia on to company property
You are not allowed to record customers and post them on your personal social media page
Virtual Sales Expert-
We welcome a new title to mobility! These agents are currently working at 1025 and will be moving to Alpharetta soon.
The job is a sales expert who video chats and sells at&t products to either a consumer or small business. They have sales quotas, like retail, and are paid commission as well.
The department is open 7 days a week 8:30 am to 9pm
It is not a work from home position
· In mobility, we only have 45 days to settle your grievance. This time includes gathering documentation, meeting with you, then meeting with your manager and even sometimes the 2nd level. Please try to file as soon as you can so that we have ample time to represent you.
· If you chose to get the COVID-19 vaccination and can only do it during your scheduled shift, work with your manager to get your time coded. The company will pay a certain numbers of hours, depending on if you need one dose or two, to encourage us to get vaccinated
· Please take your health assessments each day that you report to your at&t work location and be truthful.
February 2021 Mobility Membership Report
With new leadership always comes new expectations, new behaviors , etc. If you have questions about any of the changes, please let me know.
Your manager may request that you submit business leads via email. This is not optional however the calls to businesses is completely optional and not mandatory
The mask policy is mandatory. The Area Managers are checking cameras to ensure this policy is being enforced.
Please make sure you complete your commission PLE so that your commission will not be withheld
Effective Feb 15th, your24 will go into effect nationwide for retail. Please refresh yourself on the training PLE.
Call Center:
Unknown time: if you are off of the phone, please let your manager know. If you are having any troubles with your unknown time, please see Yolanda so that she can coach you because she is on a special project to help reduce this number for each outlier
If you are working from home, the company can pull you back to the center if you are underperforming or your unknown time is not in compliance
New hire class was on Feb 1st. There will be another class in March as well
If you schedule overtime and do not show up, you will receive attendance points
New hire attendance policy is changing on 2/14/21.
• Weeks 1-5
• 1 Point = Final Written Warning
• >1.5 Points = Review for Termination
• Week 6 – AT&T Mobility and Business Customer Service Guidelines (regular attendance policy)
• 1-3 Points = Coaching / No Disciplinary Action
• 4 Points = Formal Counseling
• 5 Points = Written Warning
• 7 Points = Final Written Warning
• 8 Points = Review for Termination
Hold time must not go above 60 seconds. Recently we have been seeing representations where agents have kept the customer on hold for times ranging from 13 mins to 18 mins
January Mobility Report
· There are two stores closing in our local. These retail sales consultants have been offered other positions and will receive their offer letters no later than Jan 12th. One store that closed last year, west paces ferry, is open again.
· If you are having mandatory meetings at your store, please reach out to me
· There is a known issue with roll over PTO not showing. The company is aware. If you are an affected individual, please reach out to me
· Your carry over must be used by March 31st. The company does not cash out your time.
· I have received some calls from members who are stressed out, suffering from depression, and need some one to talk too. At&t does offer an employee assistance program. The company pays for several sessions for you. Their number is 1-866-263-9253
· The contract has been extended 1 year. The company and the union came to this agreement. Everyone will receive a 2.5% pay increase on Feb 2022
· Two New Hire classes started in December at 754
· If you are having issues with your work from home it, please let your manager know. They may ask you to call in a ticket.
· If you are working from home and your utilization or unknown time is high, the company can call you back to work in the building
· If you are late from lunch you will receive attendance points just as if you would if you were late clocking in for the start of your shift
December Mobility Report
· Please complete the assessment each day you are scheduled to work. With covid numbers still peaking and rising its vital that we protect ourselves and each other.
· I received a few messages from members stating their stores did not have proper cleaning supplies and were running low on mask. Please reach out to me if this is a concern
· Wear your mask at all times. Please make yourself aware of the maximum capacity of the areas in your store (breakroom, inventory room, sales floor, etc)
· All retail schedules should be printed and posted in the break room. You should not use screenshots on your phone as your go to source for your schedule because it may change
· Most recently, the Gwinnett Store had a positive Covid case. There were 2 reps who were quarantined and one manager (all were negative)
· We have recently heard that 2 of our stores are going to be closing (Greenbriar and Holcomb). These members will be offered positions to stay on payroll and more details will be coming soon.
Call Center:
· There will be two new classes starting in December. Both of the classes will be training from home
· We have a new seniority list. If you would like a copy, please send me a message any way you prefer and I will be happy to send it to you
· Utilization is a serious issue. We need everyone to stay on the phones as much as possible. We cannot stress enough how important this is. If we want the work to continue to come to Atlanta, we need to let the company know we can handle it
· Attendance disciplines are still growing. It’s mainly with our agents who have high seniority.
· 4th floor will be ready in March
September 2020
Call Center:
• There was a new hire class that started on August 31st with 30 agents who will all be working from home.
• Attendance issues are peaking. I cant stress enough how important it is for you to watch your punch in and punch out times. Even though you may be working from home, you are still responsible for reporting all time card errors immediately. I would recommend to email your manager as soon as the issue happens. If you don’t have internet, send your manager a text.
• If you are a new hire with less than 24 weeks of employment, you are on a different attendance policy. If you are unsure of that policy, reach out to me or Yolanda Pearson and we will get you a copy of that policy.
Covid-19 and Safety
• Each day you report to your store or center, please make sure you are completing your health assessment.
• Please continue to wear your masks and use social distancing in common areas, break rooms, inventory rooms, etc
• When you are processing a trade in, please make sure you are reporting the IMEI truthfully. There are disciplines being issued for trade in discrepancies. The company is stating this is a COBC violation
• It’s almost that time of year when the new iPhone drops. Normally when this happens our safety measures are always my concern. Let’s make sure we are always walking each other out at night. No one enters the store by themselves. If one person is locking/unlocking the door, the other person should be the look out person.
• When you are running a credit check, please do not manipulate the social security numbers to your advantage. If the real social does not qualify, that is the final answer for that individual. There are disciplines being issued for this as it’s a COBC violation and investigations are happening. There is a report for everything.
August Mobility Membership Report
Call Center:
• Please watch your hold time. Please check back in with your customer every 90 seconds. We are seeing a massive increase in representations and disciplines for this issue. Remember, this can lead to termination. The company can also ask you to return to the center at ANY time while working from home.
• Recently, the company and union met to discuss how to resolve the issue of over 40% of call center agents leaving within the first year of being hired. They came to an agreement that all agents under step nine on the Customer Service Representative 1 title will receive a pay increase. Around 100 agents will receive this increase. The increase should be seen on the check at the end of the month.
• Please be mindful of how you access an account. COBC disciplines are increasing due to unauthorized password changes and invalid account user access.
• We had a new hire class on July 27th with almost 40 new agents, some were transfers. There is also a new floor coming as well, the 4th floor.
• There have been many covid-19 cases in our retail stores. From Atlantic Station all the way to our Buford Store. In times like these, we have to make sure we wear our masks and use social distancing while we are at work. I’m thankful our members continue to keep us informed of all updates.
• Please make sure you are washing your hands as frequently as possible. If you are low on cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, or soap, please let me know. I will escalate the issue as quickly as I can.
• The health entry assessment is required for each day you are reporting to work. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at any time.
• Your manager has 48 working hours to notify you about schedule changes. Your days off are not included in these 48 hours as it is your off time.
• Even though we have a grace period, please watch your attendance points. I would recommend that you view your attendance record at least every other week for accuracy. If you see anything inaccurate, email your manager so that you will have a record of the conversation. It is something that will be essential in the grievance process. Our managers change frequently and we need to protect ourselves.
• If you have any questions about job accommodations, FMLA paperwork, or short term disability, please reach out to Yolanda Pearson because time is crucial with these sensitive matters.
July Membership Report
Effective July 2nd, there will be a mandatory mask policy not just for att employees but customers as well. If the customer does not have a mask, then at&t will provide one for them. There are some exceptions such as age, medical reasons, and state/local ordinance.
Please be mindful that progressive disciplines were paused for retail stores from March 17th to July 8th but are now back in effect. If you are on a step of discipline, your expiration dates were not extended.
There have been many positive covid test in our retail stores, garages, buildings, and call centers. The union would strongly recommend ensuring you are maintaining social distancing at all times, washing your hands, and wearing your masks. Management is not informing the union in a timely manner, if at all with all positive cases. We are only finding out when the members are calling us. We would hope that everyone continues to reach out to the union with any concerns or questions you might need addressed.
If your manager ask you to go work at another store, please ask “has anyone in the store tested positive?” or “has the store had a deep cleaning recently?” This will give you a heads up as to what you are walking in too.
On June 24th, the union met a new hire class at the call center. Mobility will continue to hire for the next few months. These individuals will also be able to work from home after the nesting period and profiles are updated. The next class is scheduled for July 27, 2020.
If you are working from home, please do not sit/camp on a call and not respond to the customer. Please do not release calls while the customer is on the phone. Many disciplines are being issued for customer avoidance and gross customer abuse. Management is carefully watching and listening to calls.
I would highly recommend keeping a paper trail of any and all communication that you have with your manager whether you are working from home, in a retail store, or in the center. This will give you a record of your facts in case you need it later on.
In the event you have a lot of system issues, please ask your manager if they will allow you to swap your work computer out with another. This should allow you to work from home instead of working from the center.
Your attendance record is your responsibility. Watch it carefully-every day if you have system issues.
June 2020 Mobility Membership Report:
Call Centers: The majority of Agents are still working from homePlease watch your hold time. You are still held accountable just as if you were in the centerToby has informed us that the center will no longer be open on Sundays. The scheduling will be changed so if you have to work a few, please don’t worry. It will come to an end soon. Remember that it is your right to ask for union representation, even if you are working from home, we can still represent youThe union received noticed from the District that the company plans to transition from ISM to Mobility. Training will being the week of June 14th. They will train approx 100 agents per week. Training will be approx 4 days (Tues-Friday).Monthly targets incentive will increase from $600-$1000
Retail: Wearing a mask is completely optional but for safety reasons I would highly recommend protecting yourselfBusiness Cold Calling is not mandatory and participation in the program is optionalIf you are working from home, the program will end soon. Once you no longer have access to the systems, you are advised to return to your store. Please do not forget to return the equipment.If you are working outdoors doing curbside service, please make sure you are taking your breaks and let your manager know if you are uncomfortable or over heating
May 2020 Mobility Report
Stores are opening up again. Some Retail RSCs who were working from home are being called to return to work at their stores. These reps are required to mail their work from home equipment back
A new commission structure came out in May that specifies how commission will be paid out according to work schedules and attendance.
Call Center
Agents are working from home
Disciplines are still being issued. The most common ones that we are seeing are failure to disconnect through RIO
No updates on when agents are returning to the buildings and stores
February Membership Report
• The union was invited to the Ribbon cutting ceremony onthe 8th floor.
• More new hire classes will be starting each month for theMobility call center
• An updated seniority list has been posted, as requested on the 8th floor
• We are still working on a parking resolution
• A group grievance has been filed for the individuals who were on the chat team who didn’t get paid out the correct amount due to the chat team being shut down early. We will keep you posted as to what the company says
• Most recently at the Retail WRC we discussed safety concerns at our retail stores. Many of our stores are being robbed and held up at gun point. The company has stated they will bring our concerns to upper management. They also would like security to be in the stores too. The company stated they need to figure out a budget for it as there isn’t one just yet.
• Also at the Retail WRC we discussed bringing the classroom training back vs the virtual. The company informed us that in certain areas there is a pilot program being discussed to combine the two types of classroom styles
November 2019 Membership Report
Please remember that you are not under any circumstance supposed to go in to your own account. You are not supposed to access anyone’s account that works in your department.
When you are asked to speak with a person from asset protection or anything to do with an investigation, the first thing you should ask for is union representation. The questions they will ask will be typed in to a statement. Please do not sign the statement. It is not your statement, it is the company typing and summarizing what they think you mean about a situation.
The move from 575 to 754 for the mobility call center has been postponed until December. Most recently Ed and I have created a petition to present to the company in reference to parking. If you want to sign it, please see the local facebook, myself, or any of the job stewards. Anyone can sign the petition, not just mobility. It’s a voice for all.
With the holiday season quickly approaching, the company may issue mandatory overtime. Please note that any schedule changes that are in accordance with contract guidelines can be subject to attendance points if you are late to work or are a no show. Please see the attendance policy for point guidelines.
September Membership Report
• The newest store on Memorial Drive was robbed at gunpoint. No one was physically harmed. All affected employees have been in contact with the proper channel to discuss their benefit options.
• This is the time of year we see an increase in fraud and theft. Be mindful of your surroundings. Do not leave your coworkes on the sales floor alone. Park close to each other to ensure everyone gets in their car safely. If you have questions or concerns about safety protocol in stores, please feel free to reach out to me.
• Now that it is September, please be mindful of your vacation hours. Yu can only carry over 1 week from this year to the next. Anything else is use it or lose it.
• There have been a lot of manager movements this last 2 weeks in all departments. Please check your attendance points. If something is not correct, send your current manager an email and CC the one who was supposed to correct the points. If this process is unsuccessful, please file a grievance.
• Iphone launch is this month. This usually means split shifts on the preorder weekend and launch weekend. This also will mean overtime for the call center.
• With the heavy call volume this time of year, let’s make sure that we are mindful of all policies and procedures. I do not want to see anyone lose their job especially around the holiday season.
August Membership Report
Mobility has 45 days from the date of occurrence to file a grievance. The sooner you file, the quicker we can get the documentation we need and a meeting scheduled with the company.
We have had an increase in attendance issues in both the call center and retail. If you have questions about FMLA, job accommodations, or any medical leave I urge you to reach out to Yolanda Pearson. She is still receiving calls stating “my manager told me not to worry” or “my manager said he would fix it months ago”
Please make sure that if your manager is coaching you either one on one or in a group daily huddle that you are letting them coach and develop you. If you refuse, the company has been discipling members with COBC insubordination write ups.
We had a new hire class of almost 40 call center reps start on 7-23. We have also had 2 new stores open. The most recent one is located on Memorial Drive maybe 5 mins away from the local.
We have been told that the 14th floor at Morosgo will be moving to the 8th floor at 754 around mid November. They will move in 2 different waves.
May 2019
It is very important that you read every coaching that a member of management puts on your file, gives to you personally, or emails you. This is your personnel record. Coachings can lead to discipline. If you disagree with anything in the coaching or in your record, please let the union know. Document everything you can about the incident while it is fresh in your memory. Any small detail can be important. This includes, time of the occurrence, where you/cowokers/managers were standing/sitting, what you said or even hand jestures if there are video camera. Most recently we won 3 grievances because of small accurate details the union was able to gather while talking to the grievants. For stewards, its very important that we ask detailed questions to dig deep into the situation. Every grievance is different. No two are alike.
We are in the Black Contract for Mobility. You can find a copy of it online on our local page under contracts. You can also ask any union steward or myself for a digital copy or a paper copy. The company also has it on HR Onestop too.
You cannot be an employee with 4 years of seniority and state you did not know the company has an attendance policy. I am happy to explain it to you or help you obtain a copy. The attendance policy is specifically for which ever department of mobility you are employed. From HR Onestop you can:
scroll down from the home page, click attendance
select attendance guidelines then the channel you work in
As always, please call for a union steward. It is up to you to speak up. The company will not always provide a steward for you.
In November there was a meeting with AT&T Mobility leadership and the union. Here are some of the main topics that were discussed:
AT&T Mobility Leadership is working on a way for technicians to become familiar with promos and pricing. They are going to work on a way to bridge the gap between the garages and retail stores. Garage managers will soon start to visit the stores to answer questions about what our issues are in retail and see what they can do to help us out.
-Mycoach-Renea Fuller, an AT&T HR specialist, held a 2 day long training for all assistant managers and up. This training focused on one specific application- Mycoach. The training was held on Nov 12 and 13th. Managers were trained on how to have proper face to face conversations. Hopefully this training will help deliver a con
There is a new store coming within the CNN Center. We have been told it will open around super bowl time.
First net is still big focus. The company is trying to develop a wallet size card with discount info on it that we can handout to drive business in to the stores
Call Center:
We continue to have issues with surveys. It being paid out. Please keep filing grievances until a new method can be established. Most of the grievances are getting settled and payments have been issued to the reps.
You have the right to request any and all disciplinary documentation. Your records and file should be checked for accuracy.
New hires: please keep a close eye on your attendance. For the first 26 weeks you are on a very strict nw hire attendance policy. This means if you step out of class too long, if you are late from a break, or if you are late to class…you could be terminated. They take attendance very seriously.
November Union Meeting Report
Call Center:
Some grievances that were filed earlier this year for incorrect surveys have come back from the district. It was a successful win for the union. The company settled and paid our members as high as $772!! Every grievance is different but a win is a win.
There was a huge issue with the mini bid that the company most recently activated. A group grievance was filed. The company realized it caused a lot of confusion. Those who spoke up were given their original schedule choices instead of the one they chose during the mini bid.
Screenshots do not work as your go to resource for your schedule. There is a link which you can save to a work device if you need to check your schedule while you are at work. Per the contract: article 12 section 2.c states:
“Work schedules for the next calendar week shall be officially posted or furnished by the Company to show the scheduled tours the employee is to work prior to 12 noon of each Friday (the Company will endeavor to post schedules for the next two weeks prior to 12 noon of each Friday). Such schedules shall include the starting and ending time of each of the tours making up the scheduled workweek. For tours longer than five (5) hours, such schedules will also include the length of the period to be allowed for meals.
If no change is so posted or furnished prior to the time specified above, the schedule in effect for the employee for the last calendar week assigned to work shall be considered as that employee’s work schedule for the next calendar week.
PTO bidding started on November 1st and ends December 4th. Please pay close attention to where it says add a week/day. You can submit more than 1 week but you need to select that “add week/day” button. Bidding starts in seniority order and works its way down. After everyone has bid on weeks, the bidding will start over in seniority order with bidding for days. Tips: because this is a lot of bidding that we have to do, please let the person after you know when you are finished so that they can do the same for the next person. This will expedite the process and ensure that everyone has a fair chance to bid.
Again, thank you for always calling, emailing, and texting me. My line is always open J
Important Dates:
2019 Blackout dates for PTO:
Jan 2nd
Nov 24th-30th
Dec 8th-30th
Open Enrollment for benefits ends Nov 16th at 8pm
October 9, 2018 Membership Meeting Report
AT&T Mobility:
Call Center:
• On Wednesday, October 3rd we met with another class of mobility call center new hires at 575 Morosgo Drive.
• Mandatory overtime is officially over. There are no further plans to hire anyone else before the move to 754.
• Please make sure you clock in on time through the computer. If there is an issue, clock in on the phone. Email your team manager and your attendance manager as soon as you are logged in to the computer with the details of the situation.
• We have added 2 new stores in our local….west paces ferry in Atlanta, GA and at the Avalon near 400 and old Milton parkway in Alpharetta, GA
• Report for same day activate/deact is now a hot topic
• Known issue with honoring seniority with the schedule
Asset Protection issues:
• Don’t put your coworkers in headlocks. Make sure you keep your hands to yourself
• Please do not leave the store with a customer’s personal belongings in your possession.
September 11, 2018 Union Meeting
New hire class started in mobility call center-all 24 reps joined the union. The organizing committee did a fantastic job!! I would like to thank each of them for representing the union STRONG every time they are organizing.
Unity@mobility--I attended a 2-day training class which was a district wide project. We talked about reaching out to each member face to face/one on one conversation in our district and having more consistent one on one contact with the reps. We also talked about what it would take get get more mobility members active in each of the locals. It’s hard to get members from mobility which consist of retail and the call center to attend union meetings due to their scheduling, head count, and call volume issues. Each trainer was assigned an area to cover. Some stores are not in their local.
Call Center:
· Area manager on the 14th floor has informed us that Mandatory OT will continue until mid sept
· On Aug 7th management stated they ordered hooks for the members to hang their personal items on since the drawers were now locked. I followed up on the status of the hooks-they were mailed to the wrong city. Hooks are in route to be delivered-no delivery yet as of 9-6-18
· Reminder-Adhere to the clean desk policy
· Reps need to pay close attention to their points. I received a call from a member with 24 points who is questioning each occurrence. There are 35 occurrences on his attendance record totaling 35 points. Please establish a paper trail for yourself when your points are incorrect. If you have any schedule changes, email your manager to confirm the edit. When you have a point that is incorrect, email your manager and let them know. Your attendance record is your responsibility-its like a credit report.
· Your points take 12 months from the day you receive them to fall off.
· There is a store which is being investigated for fraud. I strongly urge each person to do the right thing at work. The company has a way of tracking down each phone and sim card that is sold out. In the past 30 days I have been called for representation 6 times for fraudulent assets protection interviews.
· Please do not fondle or grope your coworkers. Even if you are in a relationship, at&t can write you up on COBC violation for causing a sexually charged up work place
August 13, 2018 Union Meeting
General: All members should have received a contract book. If you have not received one, please let me or a mobility job steward know. We will get you on ASAP. There is a digital copy online too.
Call Center:
Mandatory overtime is still in effect. The good news is that the call center is getting plenty and plenty of work. Some employees are taking over 600 calls a month. The calls are coming in back to back. We can’t so no to work but they are working!!!!
Thank you to Ben Marshall whose hard work helped save a member’s job. We are in the process of finalizing a termination reversal and bringing someone back to work! Ben communicates with his coworkers and urges them to speak up when they have been done wrong.
August 1st a surplus was announced in Mobility. This announcement affected the SSR Role in retail stores nationwide. The company started informing the affected work group on Aug 1st. nationwide there are 2,069 SSRs. In our new mobility contract, we have a Employment Security Commitment Agreement that says the Company commits to make a job offer to all who are surplussed due to a Store or Call Center closing, or if any of the Retail and Call Center titles is eliminated, which is the case here. All SSRs will be offered a Retail Sales Consultant (RSC) job, at their current store location and testing requirements will be waived.
In addition, new language from the new 2018 contract that provides for an employee who is identified as surplus to get “priority placement” for other available jobs will also be extended to the surplus employee. The company is following the contract language, and reached out to CWA to offer the Employment Security Commitment language
The way this will work is:
Each SSR will meet with their manger and will get the information in an email following the meeting with their manager. The SSRs will be told that they are guaranteed an RSC job, in the store where they currently work. As of August 1st, the Company will place an indicator that lets the hiring managers and the on-line jobs system recognize that the employee is in surplus status.
The surplus employees may immediately begin applying for jobs other than RSC. Labor Relations is compiling a list of job openings in the areas where there are call centers, but all employees currently have access to view job postings.
Sometime around 15 days after the surplus announcement, AT&T will formally offer the guaranteed job – which in this case is the RSC job - at the store where they work, to every SSR. They expect this to be August 17th. The SSRs will have until August 20th to accept or decline the RSC job offer.
If they accept the job, they will be moved over to the RSC title effective September 9, 2018. SSR to RSC is a pay upgrade and each SSR will get a raise and then a new 6 month progression to max for the RSC title. As a new RSC, they will also be under the new hire ramp up period of the Sales Commission plan.
Everyone will get the standard 10 day self-paced RSC new hire training in the store.
Time on title requirements in the RSC position will be waived for SSRs accept the guaranteed job.
If an SSR declines the RSC job, and chooses to leave with their severance pay, they can opt to leave September 30th, or stay until October 30th.
If an SSR declines the RSC job, but still hopes to stay on in another title, they may continue to apply for other jobs up until October 30th, at which point they will be leaving with a severance if they have not secured another job by then.
Quota relief will be applied to 1st month@100%, 2nd month@50%, 3rd month@25%
June 15, 2018
Greetings from Mobility!!
May and June have been some very busy months for us. Here are some of the things the stewards and I want to bring to your attention.
First, its very important that we continue to ask for union representation when we are having conversations with management that may lead to discipline. Thank you all so much for continuing to ask for the union. Conversations with management could be about a coaching, a questioning about a specific incident, or a delivery of a discipline.
The call center has been seeing QIRs (a meeting with management or asset protection) daily. I cannot stress how important it is to cancel a customer’s line when they are requesting it. We are getting calls 3-4 times a day about these issues. The union needs your help. Please make sure you cancel lines responsibly.
Retail should know that a manager cannot change your schedule without a 48 hour advance notice and details of the needs of the business. Please make sure your managers are also posting your schedules by 12pm noon the Friday before the work week starts. I know there are some reps who like to check their schedules through the link at home (I have been guilty myself) but the correct way for us to be notified is verbally and paper copy posted for everyone to see at work.
The company stated we would have our new contract books very soon. If you need a copy immediately, you can locate it on HR OneStop under Labor Agreements, or you can ask me and I can get a copy emailed to you.
I am so thankful for each and everyone of our members who support us. Thank you for always speaking up for yourself and for your coworkers.
Karen L Rowell
February 16, 2018
As you may already know, a tentative agreement has been reached between CWA District 3 and AT&T Mobility for a new, four-year contract. This agreement contains many improvements to the previous contract that will greatly benefit our members.
The new agreement calls for improvements in the following areas:
Wages and Other Compensation
The combined 4-year wage increase will result in a compounded 10.1% base wage increase by the end of the contract. A bonus of $1,000 will add to wage gains if the contract is ratified by March 23, 2018. For retail sales consultants and Cricket COS sales advocates, base wages will also be improved by converting a portion of commission or “at-risk” pay to base pay.
General Wage Increases.
The increases listed below will be applied to the top in the basic wage schedules on the date indicated. There will be no increase at the start rate, and all other steps will be exponentially increased:
➔ 2.25% retroactive to February 10, 2018
➔ 3.00% effective February 10, 2019
➔ 2.25% effective February 9, 2020
➔ 2.25% effective February 7, 2021
Ratification Bonus
$1,000 will be paid if the contract is ratified by March 23, 2018. The bonus is available to all employees on the payroll as of the ratification date and the payout date.
Wage Protection
When the Company hires a new employee, who has no experience or training at a wage rate higher than current employees in the same title at the same location, those current employees will be raised to the same rate of pay as the new hires.
On Call Duty Pay
The daily rate for on-call pay will be increased from $36 per day to $38 per day. This is in addition to any compensation for the actual duty.
Employment Security
Job Guarantee/Employment Security Commitment for Retail and Call Center Workers
In the event of a layoff or surplus as a result of retail store or call center closure, or in the event the company eliminates or vacates a job title, the company will offer affected workers positions available at any Mobility work location covered by a CWA labor agreement within the continental U.S. The offer is available to specific job titles and the affected employees must meet expectations for current job and must be qualified for the job being offered. Affected employees have 1 working day to accept the job offer. Testing for the new job may be required, but the re-test waiting period is waived for employees acting under this ESC. The company will try to provide job offers as close as possible to the employee’s current work location.
Call center call share commitment
AT&T has guaranteed the level of calls coming into call centers covered by the “Black” contract. The company agrees to bring the level of call flow to at least 10% by December 31, 2018. The company will provide quarterly reports to CWA so that the union can ensure compliance. If the call flow percentage should fall below the agreed upon levels, there will be no involuntary surpluses declared unless there is an extraordinary drop in total call volume or other adverse economic reasons for the decline.
Force Adjustment Article for All Employees
Previously in the event of surplus, it was up to the company whether employees would have the opportunity to resign and receive a severance payment. Under this agreement it will be mandatory for the company to offer this option. The offer is made based on seniority up to the number needed to alleviate the surplus.
If the surplus remains, the company will eliminate temporary workers and contractors. This step is unchanged from the current agreement. If the surplus still remains, the company is now required to give priority placement rights for lateral and downgrade job vacancies.
In addition, the maximum severance payments have been increased to $18,000 from $17,000.
The terms of the health care plan for the years 2017 - 2020 were bargained and ratified in 2016 as part of the National Benefit Bargained Plan (NBBP). It applied to all CWA Mobility contracts across the country. That agreement included an “unwinding” provision which returned bargaining over all benefit plans to each mobility contract.
This agreement covers the plan in 2021 and 2022 only - the last two years of the contract. Under this agreement, the plan design in 2021 remains unchanged from the previous year for both the Option 1 and Option 2 plans.
Contract Changes Relating to Retail Workers
Adjustments to “At-risk” Commissions for RSCs
A $2,500 annual wage increase will be added to each step of the Retail Sales Consultants (RSCs) wage table effective 2018 and the “at-risk” commission minimums are reduced by $2,500, from $12,750 to $10,250. The 2018 General Wage Increase will be applied after this adjustment to the wage tables.
Adjustment to Wage Table for COS Sales Advocate
A $500 annual wage increase will be added to each step of the COS Sales Advocate wage table effective 2018 and the at-risk target amount will be decreased by an equal amount. The 2018 general wage increase will be applied after this adjustment to the wage tables.
Monitoring on the Sales Floor
Monitoring of employees to ensure high quality sales performance is allowed, but the number of evaluative observations that may be observed is limited to six per month. Management determines the method of evaluation and what is observed. Observations must be done on the sales floor – not by watching video in the back room.
Contract Changes Relating to Call Center Workers
Call Center Monitoring
The Letter of Agreement regarding monitoring limits the number of evaluative observations that can be observed in a month to 8. Selection of calls to be observed will alternate between management and the employee, with management selecting the first call. Management determines the method of evaluation. Any additional calls observed cannot be used for discipline except in cases of misconduct.
Calls selected for evaluation shall be selected from those calls that occurred after the employee’s most recent call evaluation.
Calls used for calibration purposes by management and additional customer calls selected for coaching purposes will not be used toward discipline except in cases of misconduct.
Rules for Employees Performing MI60 Duties
MI60 duties will be performed by bargaining unit employees only on a voluntary basis and subject to final selection by management. Such assignments will be rotated quarterly and aligned with shift bids. A shift differential will be paid. Duties will include assisting management with floor support, chat support and handling escalations. No other management duties are included – not coaching, observing, or any other documentation of performance.
Call Center “Mini Shift Bids”
In order to protect seniority and scheduling, when new hires are brought into a center; management will initiate a process to place them in open slots after existing employees have had an opportunity to bid on the open slots based on seniority order. Any slots available after the “mini-shift bid” will be filled with New Hires.
Contract Changes Relating to Technicians
Trial of Small Cell Aerial Work
In 2018, the company will conduct a trial of small cell work requiring aloft and/or bucket trucks. The trial will include training of the workers, determining the scope of the trial, meeting with CWA to discuss expectations before the trial and meeting quarterly with CWA as the trial progresses. The first meeting is set for 90-days after ratification or sooner.
Safety Equipment for Supply Chain Employees
Supply Chain employees are now eligible for safety glasses and safety footwear under similar terms to Wireless Technicians: one pair of clear lens prescription safety glasses for use indoors; or, if duties are performed outdoors, one pair of clear lens and one pair of dark lens or one pair of photocromatic lens glasses; one pair of safety footwear per calendar year.
Protecting Seniority in Workforce Imbalance Situations
Temporary moves will be done by seniority. If a temporary imbalance lasts for more than 6 months, the move will be made permanent with another canvas by seniority. Anyone reassigned will have the right to retreat to previous position if it opens up within a year of reassignment.
Other Contract Changes
Hours of Work Under Temporary Conditions
In the event the company determines emergency business conditions require a change in schedules of hours worked, management may adjust schedules on a temporary basis, but a new provision requires management to explain the business needs and the expected duration of the temporary condition so that workers can better prepare and plan for the temporary schedule change.
Flexible Excused Days with Pay Trial
There is an agreement to implement a Flexible Excused Day with Pay trial in three call centers. This is in response to your Bargaining Committee’s demands to address the attendance/quality of work life problems in the call centers.
More details on the new contract will be available soon.
February 7, 2018
We have noticed that incentives are decreasing little by little. The company is making it nearly impossible to earn money
We have filled out suggestion forms so that the bargaining committee can mention this during contract renewals
Exchange Time:
Retail is having a hard time getting managers to agree to use exchange time. They continue to say no based off needs of the business. The union will continue to ask the company to prove the “needs of the business”. At the next leadership meeting, the union will bring this topic to the table.
SOAR Forms:
Call center reps are continuously receiving the voluntary forms from the SOAR team. The union will continue to dissect these and represent our members to the fullest extent. At the February leadership meeting, this item will be a hot topic.
Managers are not informing reps when they are making changes to the reps schedules.
In retail, the scheduling system is not honoring seniority. At the next leadership meeting, the union will bring this topic to the table.
There have been concerns from the members about unfair treatment. Members have suggested that the mi60 role should rotate because the managers are favoring their friends. The mi60 managers are allowing some reps not to be held accountable.
Orange contract bargained for attendance points. Hopefully, the black contract will be able to do the same in our upcoming contract renewal.
Contract Renewal:
We have discussed mobilization tactics in our most recent Mobility Mobilization classes.
We have collected suggestion forms and turned them in to the District for the bargaining team to analyze.
Karen L Rowell
Vice President of Mobility
Office: (404) 614-3224 Cell: (770) 596-0886
More info to come